But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…
(Acts 1:8)
(Acts 1:8)
Welcome to The Revival Fellowship, located in Maple Ridge, BC, Canada.
We are a group of Spirit-Filled people who have had their lives changed through the power of God. We experience signs, wonders and miracles just like Jesus did 2000 years ago. We hold true to the Bible teachings and the foundation of our church can be found in the book of Acts where the outpouring of God’s Spirit began the true Pentecost movement.

Come and see for yourself…
The Bible clearly describes the Church with a single vision, that experiences the power of God. We are part of that Church, all having received Salvation through Repentance, Baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues.
Our fellowship is comprised of normal people from very different backgrounds who are bound together by the Spirit of God. Our unchanging God is still working with His people, and confirming the Word with signs following (Mark 16 vs 20).
We follow a God who answers prayer, relieves anxiety and stress, heals depression and addiction, gives you peace in your life, and so much more!
If you are searching for the living God who answers prayer, and looking to continue an ongoing, personal relationship with the Saviour, then contact us today…


Fraser View Community Center
22610-B 116 Ave,
Maple Ridge,
BC V2X 9V1
If you cannot attend our meeting in person, each meeting is available on zoom.
Our Meetings – what to expect
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